
 * Copyright 2013 Arne F. Claassen
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
(function(root, $, _) {
  Josh.Example = (function(root, $, _) {

Enable console debugging, when Josh.Debug is set and there is a console object on the document root.

    var _console = (Josh.Debug && root.console) ? root.console : {
      log: function() {

Setup of Shell

build the fake directory structure used to illustrate path commands and completions.

    var treeroot = buildTree();

Create History and KillRing by hand since we will use the KillRing for an example command.

    var history = Josh.History();
    var killring = new Josh.KillRing();

Create the ReadLine instance by hand so that we can provide it our KillRing. Since the shell needs to share the History object with ReadLine and Shell isn't getting to create ReadLine automatically as it usually does we need to pass in History into ReadLine as well.

    var readline = new Josh.ReadLine({history: history, killring: killring, console: _console });

Finally, create the Shell.

    var shell = Josh.Shell({readline: readline, history: history, console: _console});

Create killring command

Setup the Underscore template for displaying items in the KillRing.

    var killringItemTemplate = _.template("<div><% _.each(items, function(item, i) { %><div><%- i %>&nbsp;<%- item %></div><% }); %></div>")

Create a the command killring which will display all text currently in the KillRing, by attaching a handler to the Shell.

    shell.setCommandHandler("killring", {

We don't implement any completion for the killring command, so we only provide an exec handler, and no completion handler.

      exec: function(cmd, args, callback) {

killring takes one optional argument -c which clears the killring (just like history -c).

        if(args[0] == "-c") {

The callback of an exec handler expects the html to display as result of executing the command. Clearing the killing has no output, so we just call the callback and exit the handler.


Return the output of feeding all items from the killring into our template.

        callback(killringItemTemplate({items: killring.items()}));

Setup PathHandler

PathHandler is a mix-in for Shell to provide provide the standard unix ls, pwd and cd commands, as well as standard bash-style path tab-completion. It expects a Shell instance as its first argument so that it can attach its command handlers to the shell as well as overrride the default handler to support completion of path's starting with . or / without a leading command.

    var pathhandler = new Josh.PathHandler(shell, {console: _console});

PathHandler operates on path nodes which are expected to be objects with the minimum structure of

  name: 'localname',
  path: '/full/path/to/localname'

where name is the name of the node and path is the absolute path to the node. PathHandler does not modify these nodes, so any additional state your implementation requires can be attached to the nodes and be relied on being part of the node when received by the handling methods you implement.

The pathhandler expects to be initialized with the current directory, i.e. a path node.

    pathhandler.current = treeroot;

PathHandler requires two method, getNode and getChildNodes, to be provided in order to operate.

getNode gets called with path string. This string is completely opaque to PathHandler, i.e. constructs such as . and .. are an implementation detail. PathHandler does assume that the path separator is /. getNode is called anytime the pathhandler has a path and need to determine what if any node exists at that path which happens during path completion as well as cd and ls execution.

    pathhandler.getNode = function(path, callback) {
      if(!path) {
        return callback(pathhandler.current);
      var parts = _.filter(path.split('/'), function(x) {
        return x;
      var start = ((path || '')[0] == '/') ? treeroot : pathhandler.current;
      _console.log('start: ' + start.path + ', parts: ' + JSON.stringify(parts));
      return findNode(start, parts, callback);

getChildNodes is used by path completion to determine the possible completion candidates. Path completion first determines the node for the given path, looking for the nearest / in case if the given path does not return a node via getNode. For our example, we've attached the child node objects directly to the node object, so we can simply return it. Usually this would be used to call the server with the provided node's path or id so that the appropriate children can be found.

    pathhandler.getChildNodes = function(node, callback) {
      _console.log("children for " + node.name);

findNode is called recursively from getNode with the current node and remaining path already split into segments. It then simply resolves the node for the next segment in parts to a node, including relative references like . and ... In implementations that let you explore an hierarchy on a server, this function would live on the server side and be called remotely via getNode.

    function findNode(current, parts, callback) {
      if(!parts || parts.length == 0) {
        return callback(current);
      if(parts[0] == ".") {

      } else if(parts[0] == "..") {
        current = current.parent;
      } else {
        current = _.first(_.filter(current.childnodes, function(node) {
          return node.name == parts[0];
      if(!current) {
        return callback();
      return findNode(current, _.rest(parts), callback);

Setup Document Behavior

Activation and display behavior happens at document ready time.

    $(document).ready(function() {

The default name for the div the shell uses as its container is shell-panel, although that can be changed via the shell config parameter shell-panel-id. The Shell display model relies on a 'panel' to contain a 'view'. The 'panel' acts as the view-port, i.e. the visible portion of the shell content, while the 'view' is appended to and scrolled up as new content is added.

      var $consolePanel = $('#shell-panel');

We use jquery-ui's resizable to let us drag the bottom edge of the console up and down.

      $consolePanel.resizable({ handles: "s"});

activate the shell


We attach the various objects we've created here to Josh.Instance purely so they can be inspected via a javascript console. This is not required for the functionality of the example.

    Josh.Instance = {
      Tree: treeroot,
      Shell: shell,
      PathHandler: pathhandler,
      KillRing: killring

This code builds our fake directory structure. Since most real applications of Josh would not keep their entire hierarchy in memory, but instead make callbacks to a server to find nodes and node children, the details of this function are of little interest.

    function buildTree() {
      var fs = {
        bin: {},
        boot: {},
        dev: {},
        etc: {
          default: {},
          'rc.d': {},
          sysconfig: {},
          x11: {}
        home: {
          bob: {
            video: {
              'firefly.m4v': {}
            videos: {
              'Arrested Development': {
                's1e1.m4v': {}
              'Better Off Ted': {
                's1e1.m4v': {}
          jane: {}
        lib: {},
        'lost+found': {},
        misc: {},
        mnt: {
          cdrom: {},
          sysimage: {}
        net: {},
        opt: {},
        proc: {},
        root: {},
        sbin: {},
        usr: {
          x11: {},
          bin: {},
          include: {},
          lib: {},
          local: {},
          man: {},
          sbin: {},
          share: {
            doc: {}
          src: {}
        var: {
          lib: {},
          lock: {},
          run: {},
          log: {
            httpd: {
              access_log: {},
              error_log: {}
            'boot.log': {},
            cron: {},
            messages: {}

      function build(parent, node) {
        parent.childnodes = _.map(_.pairs(node), function(pair) {
          var child = {
            name: pair[0],
            path: parent.path + "/" + pair[0],
            parent: parent
          build(child, pair[1]);
          return child;
        parent.children = _.keys(node);
        return parent;
      var tree = build({name: "", path: ""}, fs);
      tree.path = '/';
      return tree;
  })(root, $, _);
})(this, $, _);