
 * Copyright 2013 Arne F. Claassen
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at

 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
(function(root, $, _) {
  Josh.GitHubConsole = (function(root, $, _) {

Enable console debugging, when Josh.Debug is set and there is a console object on the document root.

    var _console = (Josh.Debug && root.console) ? root.console : {
      log: function() {

Console State

_self contains all state variables for the console's operation

    var _self = {
      shell: Josh.Shell({console: _console}),
      api: ""

Josh.PathHandler is attached to Josh.Shell to provide basic file system navigation.

    _self.pathhandler = new Josh.PathHandler(, {console: _console});

Custom Templates

Josh.Shell uses Underscore templates for rendering output to the shell. This console overrides some and adds a couple of new ones for its own commands.


Override of the default prompt to provide a multi-line prompt of the current user, repo and path and branch. = _.template("<em>[<%= self.user.login %>/<%= %>]</em></br>(<%=self.branch%>) <strong><%= node.path %> $</strong>");

Override of the pathhandler ls template to create a multi-column listing. = _.template("<ul class='widelist'><% _.each(nodes, function(node) { %><li><%- %></li><% }); %></ul><div class='clear'/>");


Override of the pathhandler not_found template, since we will throw not_found if you try to access a valid file. This is done for the simplicity of the tutorial. = _.template("<div><%=cmd%>: <%=path%>: No such directory</div>");


Since GitHub rate limits un-authenticated use rather drastically, we render the current rate limit status in the shell so that it is clear that extended experimenting requires authentication. = _.template("<%=remaining%>/<%=limit%><% if(!authenticated) {%> <a href=''>Authenticate with Github to increase your Rate Limit.</a><%}%>");


Render basic information (including gravatar) whenever we switch users or enter user without an argument = _.template("<div class='userinfo'>" +
      "<img src='<%=user.avatar_url%>' style='float:right;'/>" +
      "<table>" +
      "<tr><td><strong>Id:</strong></td><td>< %></td></tr>" +
      "<tr><td><strong>Name:</strong></td><td><%=user.login %></td></tr>" +
      "<tr><td><strong>Location:</strong></td><td><%=user.location %></td></tr>" +
      "</table>" +


Generic error in case setting the user fails. = _.template("Unable to set user '<%=name%>': <%=msg%>");


Just like ls, we render a wide list of repositories for repo -l. = _.template("<ul class='widelist'><% _.each(repos, function(repo) { %><li><%- %></li><% }); %></ul><div class='clear'/>");


Whenever we change repositories or repo is called without an argument, we show basic information about the repo. = _.template("<div><div><strong>Name: </strong><%=repo.full_name%></div><div><strong>Description: </strong><%=repo.description %></div></div>");


Error message in case someone tries to switch to an invalid repo. = _.template("<div>repo: <%=repo%>: No such repo for user '<%= user %>'</div>");


Generic error message in case setting the repo fails. = _.template("Unable to switch to repository '<%=name%>': <%=msg%>");


Again, like ls, we render a wide like of branches for branch -l. = _.template("webfont.woff<ul class='widelist'><% _.each(branches, function(branch) { %><li><%- %></li><% }); %></ul><div class='clear'/>");


Generic error message in case setting the current branch fails. = _.template("Unable to switch to branch '<%=name%>': <%=msg%>");


Generic error in case fetching the list of branches fails. = _.template("Unable to load branch list: <%=msg%>");

Adding Commands to the Console

user [ username ]

The user command is used to display information about the current user or switch between github users."user", {

exec handles the execution of the command.

      exec: function(cmd, args, callback) {

Given no arguments, it renders information about the current user, using the data fetched at user initialization.

        if(!args || args.length == 0) {
          return callback({user: _self.user}));
        var username = args[0];

Given an argument (assumed to be a username), it calls setUser to fetch the specified user and repository information.

        return setUser(username, null,
          function(msg) {
            return callback({name: username, msg: msg}));
          function(user) {
            return callback({user: user}));

user has no completion handler, since the userbase of github is quite large and creating a search based completion handler is beyond the scope of this tutorial implementation.


repo [ -l | reponame ]

The repo command is used to display information about the current repo or switch to. It"repo", {

exec handles the execution of the command.

      exec: function(cmd, args, callback) {

Given no arguments, it renders information about the current repo.

        if(!args || args.length == 0) {
          return callback({repo: _self.repo}));
        var name = args[0];

Given the argument -l, it lists all repos for the current user. This information was fetched at user initialization

        if(name === '-l') {
          return callback({repos: _self.repos}));

Otherwise, the argument is assumed to a repo name, which getRepo uses to fetch the repository's information from the data in _self.repos, if possible.

        var repo = getRepo(name, _self.repos);

If there is no matching repo, it renders an error.

        if(!repo) {
          return callback({name: name, msg: 'no such repo'}));

Given a valid repo, setRepo initializes the repo (i.e. fetching the root directory) and renders the repo information.

        return setRepo(repo,
          function(msg) {
            return callback({name: name, msg: msg}));
          function(repo) {
            if(!repo) {
              return callback({repo: name, user: _self.user.login}));
            return callback({repo: _self.repo}));

completion uses _self.repo and Josh.Shell.bestMatch to try and match the partial information to the possible matching repositories.

      completion: function(cmd, arg, line, callback) {
        callback(,, function(repo) {

branch [ -l | branchname ]

The branch command is used to switch or list branches for the current repository."branch", {

exec handles the execution of the command.

      exec: function(cmd, args, callback) {

Given no arguments, it simply returns the current branch, which will be rendered by the shell.

        if(!args || args.length == 0) {
          return callback(_self.branch);
        var branch = args[0];

Given the argument -l, it lists all branches for the current repo. This information is lazily initialized via ensureBranches.

        if(branch === '-l') {
          return ensureBranches(
            function(msg) {
              callback({msg: msg}));
            function() {
              return callback({branches: _self.branches}));

Owherwise, the current branch is switched by fetching the root directory for the new branch, and on success, setting _self.branch and setting the current pathandler node to the root directory fetched.

        return getDir(_self.repo.full_name, branch, "/", function(node) {
          if(!node) {
            callback({name: branch, msg: "unable to load root directory for branch"}));
          _self.branch = branch;
          _self.pathhandler.current = node;
          _self.root = node;

completion handles TAB completion on a partial branch name. The list of possible branches is once again lazily initialized via ensureBranches.

      completion: function(cmd, arg, line, callback) {
        return ensureBranches(
          function() {
          function() {
            callback(,, function(branch) {

This attaches a custom prompt render to the shell. {
      callback({self: _self, node: _self.pathhandler.current}));

Wiring up PathHandler


getNode is required by Josh.PathHandler to provide filesystem behavior. Given a path, it is expected to return a pathnode or null;

    _self.pathhandler.getNode = function(path, callback) {
      _console.log("looking for node at: " + path);
      if(!path) {
        return callback(_self.pathhandler.current);

buildAbsolutePath is called recursively to turn path into an absolute path that can be resolved against the github API with getDir.

      buildAbsolutePath(path, _self.pathhandler.current, function(absPath) {
        _console.log("path to fetch: " + absPath);
        return getDir(_self.repo.full_name, _self.branch, absPath, callback);


getChildNodes is the second function implementation required for Josh.PathHandler. Given a pathnode, it returns a list of child pathnodes. This is used by Tab completion to resolve a partial path, after first resolving the nearest parent node using `getNode

    _self.pathhandler.getChildNodes = function(node, callback) {

If the given node is a file node, no further work is required.

      if(node.isfile) {
        _console.log("it's a file, no children");
        return callback();

Otherwise, if the child nodes have already been initialized, which is done lazily, return them.

      if(node.children) {
        _console.log("got children, let's turn them into nodes");
        return callback(makeNodes(node.children));

Finally, use getDir to fetch and populate the child nodes.

      _console.log("no children, fetch them");
      return getDir(_self.repo.full_name, _self.branch, node.path, function(detailNode) {
        node.children = detailNode.children;

Supporting Functions


This function is responsible for all API requests, given a partial API path, resource, and an query argument object, args.

    function get(resource, args, callback) {
      var url = _self.api + resource;
      if(args) {
        url += "?" +,function(v, k) {
          return k + "=" + v;
      _console.log("fetching: " + url);
      var request = {
        url: url,
        dataType: 'json',
        xhrFields: {
          withCredentials: true
      $.ajax(request).done(function(response,status,xhr) {

Every response from the API includes rate limiting headers, as well as an indicator injected by the API proxy whether the request was done with authentication. Both are used to display request rate information and a link to authenticate, if required.

        var ratelimit = {
          remaining: parseInt(xhr.getResponseHeader("X-RateLimit-Remaining")),
          limit: parseInt(xhr.getResponseHeader("X-RateLimit-Limit")),
          authenticated: xhr.getResponseHeader('Authenticated') === 'true'
        if(ratelimit.remaining == 0) {
          alert("Whoops, you've hit the github rate limit. You'll need to authenticate to continue");
          return null;

For simplicity, this tutorial trivially deals with request failures by just returning null from this function via the callback.

        if(status !== 'success') {
          return callback();
        return callback(response);


This function lazily fetches the branches for the current repo from the API.

    function ensureBranches(err, callback) {
      get("repos/" + _self.repo.full_name + "/branches", null, function(branches) {
        if(!branches) {
          return err("api request failed to return branch list");
        _self.branches = branches;
        return callback();


This function fetches the specified user and initializes a repository to the provided value (which may be null). one fetched by initialzeRepos.

    function setUser(user_name, repo_name, err, callback) {
      if(_self.user && _self.user.login === user_name) {
        return callback(_self.user);
      return get("users/" + user_name, null, function(user) {
        if(!user) {
          return err("no such user");
        return initializeRepos(user, repo_name, err, function(repo) {
          _self.user = user;
          return callback(_self.user);


This function first fetches all repos for the given user from the API and then sets the current repo to the provided value (which may be null).

    function initializeRepos(user, repo_name, err, callback) {
      return getRepos(user.login, function(repos) {
        var repo = getRepo(repo_name, repos);
        if(!repo) {
          return err("user has no repositories");
        return setRepo(repo, err, function(repo) {
          _self.repos = repos;
          return callback(repo);


This function function fetches the directory listing for a path on a given repo and branch.

    function getDir(repo_full_name, branch, path, callback) {

Although paths in the internal representation may have a trailing /, it has to be removed before using it as the argument for an API request.

      if(path && path.length > 1 && path[path.length - 1] === '/') {
        path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1);
      get("repos/" + repo_full_name + "/contents" + path, {ref: branch}, function(data) {

The API call may return either an array, indicating that the path was a directory, or an object. Since only are stored as pathnodes, retrieving anything but an array returns null via the callback.

        if( !== '[object Array]') {
          _console.log("path '" + path + "' was a file");
          return callback();

Given a directory listing, i.e. array, the current directory node is created and the API return value captured as children so that they can later be transformed into child pathnodes, if required.

        var node = {
          name: _.last(_.filter(path.split("/"), function(x) {
            return x;
          })) || "",
          path: path,
          children: data
        _console.log("got node at: " + node.path);
        return callback(node);


This function fetches all repositories for a given user.

    function getRepos(userLogin, callback) {
      return get("users/" + userLogin + "/repos", null, function(data) {


This function tries to match a repository from the given list of known repositories. Should repo_name be null, the first repository in repos is returned.

    function getRepo(repo_name, repos) {
      if(!repos || repos.length == 0) {
        return null;
      var repo;
      if(repo_name) {
        repo = _.find(repos, function(repo) {
          return === repo_name;
        if(!repo) {
          return callback();
      } else {
        repo = repos[0];
      return repo;


This function fetches the root directory for the specified repository and initializes the current repository state.

    function setRepo(repo, err, callback) {
      return getDir(repo.full_name, repo.default_branch, "/", function(node) {
        if(!node) {
          return err("could not initialize root directory of repository '" + repo.full_name + "'");
        _console.log("setting repo to '" + + "'");
        _self.repo = repo;
        _self.branch = repo.default_branch;
        _self.pathhandler.current = node;
        _self.root = node;
        return callback(repo);


This function resolves a path to an absolute path given a current node.

    function buildAbsolutePath(path, current, callback) {
      _console.log("resolving path: "+path);
      var parts = path.split("/");

If the first part of the path is .., current is used to determine the parent path and construct an absolute path from the combination of the parent path and the remainder of path. Since this compoint path may still contain . or .., path operators that the github API does not understand, the resulting value is fed back into buildAbsolutePath.

      if(parts[0] === '..' ) {
        var parentParts = _.filter(current.path.split("/"), function(x) {
          return x;
        path = "/" + parentParts.slice(0, parentParts.length - 1).join('/') + "/" + parts.slice(1).join("/");
        return buildAbsolutePath(path, _self.root, callback);

If the first parht of the path is either a . or not empty (i.e. the path had started with a /, the path must be relative and an absolute path can be constructed by combining the path and current. Once again, the value isfed back into buildAbsolutePath for final resolution.

      if(parts[0] === '.' || parts[0] !== '') {
        path = current.path+"/"+path;
        return buildAbsolutePath(path, _self.root, callback);

At this point the path looks absolute, but all . and .. mentions need to removed and resolved before a truly absolute path can be returned.

      var resolved = [];
      _.each(parts, function(x) {
        if(x === '.') {
        if(x === '..') {
        } else {
      return callback(resolved.join('/'));


This method builds child pathnodes from the directory information returned by getDir.

    function makeNodes(children) {
      return, function(node) {
        return {
          path: "/" + node.path,
          isFile: node.type === 'file'

UI setup and initialization


This function is a lazy way with giving up if some request failed during intialization, forcing the user to reload to retry.

    function initializationError(context, msg) {
      _console.log("[" + context + "] failed to initialize: " + msg);
      alert("unable to initialize shell. Encountered a problem talking to github api. Try reloading the page");


After a current user and repo have been set, this function initializes the UI state to allow the shell to be shown and hidden.

    function initializeUI() {
      var $consolePanel = $('#shell-container');
      $consolePanel.resizable({ handles: "s"});
      $(document).keypress(function(event) {
        if( {
        if(event.keyCode == 126) {
      function activateAndShow() {;

      function hideAndDeactivate() {;

On document ready, the default user and repo are loaded from the API before the UI can complete initialization.

    $(document).ready(function() {
      setUser("sdether", "josh.js",
        function(msg) {
          initializationError("default", msg);
  })(root, $, _);
})(this, $, _);